Drasvoyte everyone!
It's me Roman sneaking onto mama's computer again. I'm very excited because last month my friend Sergei from Artem Baby Home went to live with his new mommy and daddy Clarion and Joel and his big brother Slav. Slav and Sergei are biological brothers who have been living apart in different orphanages.
Mama and Dada first met Joel and Clarion at the Vlad Inn in February. They were on their first trip to meet their boys. Then they had to wait a very long time ... 7 months ... mama and dada only had to wait 2 1/2 months before they could go back to get me.
We are all so happy for the Fritsche family. Please check out their blog http://www.joelandclarion.blogspot.com/ to read more about their adventures.
Love Roman
PS. I pooped on the potty today ... oh wait, that shouldn't really be in this posting. But I'm so proud, I'm telling everyone!